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Sometimes one short film just isn't enough. Do you have a product, experience or brand that needs more than your usual short film? Let's talk about a MicroTrilogy. Three short films all sharing a common subject. It's a great way to get three for the price of one.

The indy rock band, "Red Yeti" was my first MicroTrilogy subject. Since I was in college at the time, going to BYU in Provo, Utah I figured my best bet for an interesting subject was a band. Provo is the birthplace of many great bands including Imagine Dragons. My one stipulation was that I had to like the music of whatever band I ended up working with. What I did not expect was that I would really like the band as people. These five guys remain some of my absolute favorite people.

I started working with Vanderhall Motorworks in 2016 and really enjoyed creating ads and videos for them. In 2018, I persuaded them to let me make my second MicroTrilogy for them. Of all the work I did for Vanderhall this one was the funnest to actually film. Most of the filming took place over a single 16 hour day and I loved every minute of it. The story follows a "lone wolf" character as he journeys through the desert in a single-seat Vanderhall Speedster. A huge highlight on this project was getting to work with the lead singer of Red Yeti, Kimball Barker to create the original score for the project.

I wanted to tell a father-son kind of story with the Carmel MicroTrilogy. I had this idea where a young man would go to an older man and ask permission to marry his daughter. The story kind of spilled out of me from there and I ended up with an urban story involving an antique shop, a homeless songwriter and wound the whole thing up with a song performed by the wonderful singer/actor Casey Elliott of Gentri.

My favorite BTS story from this project, however, was finding the actor who played the "old man." I was desperate to find someone and was having no luck. Finally, I checked my facebook friend's list and saw Charles Knutson's name. I knew as soon as I saw the name he'd be perfect. He was exactly the right personality. But he'd never acted before... would he be willing to do something like this with only a few days notice? I called him. He answered. It turns out that he had always wanted to act but never had the opportunity. I was more than happy to give him the opportunity and I think he did a fantastic job. Oh, and not only is that Chuck playing the guitar for the song, he and his son WROTE the song as well.

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